Monday, March 1, 2010

Nestum for Baby?

Confused confused..!

this is how it beginss..

1-2weeks after Tisya was born, mil told my husband to give our daughter nestum..according to her, her children started nestum early due to baby demand..keep crying because of hunger.
I didn't agree.. from my reading, babies will only be introduced to solid food after 6mths or earliest 4mths...if milk doesn't seems adequate for them..besides I don't think their stomach is ready to digest solid food.
last week a few relatives came visiting grandma/pa. they said "baby u badan kurang jadi".kurang jadi - x berapa tegap, x berapa montel. according to them they started giving just a bit of nestum to their baby during confinement. OMG!
i've cuddle few babies, what i notice is, Tisya body is not hard enough compared to other babies.. or myb just my feeling? i don't mind about her being chubby montel or not. i'm concern about her body development. so..i made a decision to buy + add nestum into her milk. just half scoop, once a day.. n see the outcome. doing this not because i think she's hungry+not enough milk.. just to ensure her bones n body are strengthen...
today, after some reading, also refers to my aunty (a paedatrician).. whether it's ok to add nestum to baby's milk. she said 6mths starts solid food. i x berani tny lebih2..later kena marah ahahaha..since my parent pn x brp agree.
From readings, giving nestum earlier than 6mths may not show the side effects now, but long term effects. Their organs may not be ready absorb all the minerals (also it depends on the baby itself)
My conclusion.. safer to stop giving the nestum for a while.. another 1 weeks she will be 5mths.. I'll just wait for 2-3weeks...before resume with nestum again. and actually if betul2 dh 6mths..i plan nk buat bubur sendiri bukan yg instant..lg as tmbhn je
..ada 1 lg, aku n helmi xtau nestum2 baby yg org ckp selama ni cmner, i tought mmg nestum mcm org dewasa slalu mkn/buat biscuit.but version baby. hahaha rupa2 nyer beras, wheat, brown rice for babies...stage 1 2..brand nestle tu.. referred as nestum. hahaha..siap call2 org lg tnyer...


  1. ein.. correct.. patutnya 6 bulan baru bagi , tapi aku bagi farrihin masuk dalam susu masa dia 4 bulan x silap... sebabnya farrihin nie kuat berpeluh .. sangat kuat perpeluh masa 4 bulan. so aku ngan phy buat kesimpulan .. sistem perkumuhan dia dah stable n kuat.. so aku bagi nestum .

    aci tak?? kekeke

  2. ein menyusukan baby tak?kalau BF exclusively 6 bulan baru bg solid food itupun suggest bubur nasi cair2 gitu..
    kalau baby yang tak menyusu bdn exclusively, 4 bulan lebih dah boleh bg bergantung kepada baby.

    Ikut pengalaman sy,mula2 memang nak bg meyusu bdn 6 bulan, tapi tak tercapai sebab umur 4 bulan, my baby dah reject my B..stok EBM pun ade sikit, tahan sebulan she's completely on formula milk lebih kurang umur 5 baby, me bercadang nak kuatkan semangat , at least exclusive BF for 6 months. kalao dapat ke setahun, kalo dapat lagi, ke 2 tahun insya Allah.Maybe sebab first time jadi parent and tak cukup ilmu, itu yang tak tercapai tu...
    btw, mom's cooking is the best!

    eh sorry cerita panjang lak ;)

  3. Ein.. tok kmk mok share juak.. sebab kmk ada baca entry ktk sal tisya kena eczema.. so kmk baca2 lah tek perihal2 ezczema tok..
    so 1 thing that u should know is that introducing solid food too early to tisya may increase the risk of developing allergy.. jadi jgn dolok lah.. sikpa sik montel, asalkan cute~

  4. apid.
    tisya pun kuat peluhhh... ok ke cmtu? perut vs peluh heheeh. if perut usus dh kuat utk absorb nutrient ok kot.

    i dh x bsfeed.
    mm untung sesapa yg dpt exclusive bsfeed 1st 6mths for babies.xrisau pk nk bagi mknn lain dulu.
    anyway...bsfeed ni mmg mencabar..kwang kwang..

    ow.. btw..eczema baby imrpve, citer hari tu pas jumpa paedatrician, next jumpa skin specialist lak.ada bagi cream lain lak.

    since dia minum susu enfalac( tp bukan soy base version).mcm lebih serasi. soy base..kesian lak tgk berak dia.

    yalah kan mknn pun mok jaga takut nya allergic lak. hahhah...mek pun xkisah psl nya kurang montel. part kurang tegap ya risau.
