Sunday, April 14, 2013

Mineral make up

terjebak nk try mineral make up since tgk instagram natasha hudson promote Ronasutra.

Dulu slalu je bc psl mineral make up tp baru2 ni je baca apa istimewa nya mineral make up. of course sbb aku no longer make beli basic2 n tak updated sgt psl benda2 make up dah..

Ok yg aku tahu. Mineral make up ni selamat kalau terbawak tdo. N dia tak menutup liang pori2. So kulit masih bernafas. Kira safe n
Healthier for skin. Sementara brand Ronasutra ni plak mineral make up yg di jamin halal.

Aku pun try la foundation/blusher/makeup brush. Since both ada spf so aku assume okla kot.

So result nyer?
1) aku rs salah pilih color. Aku amik color ape eh?yg org claim color ni pipi jd kemerahan. Tp utk aku , aku rs skin nmpk yellowish plak.. A bit dark la. Tak suka sgt.

2) light coverage. Ala2 loose powder gitu. Kena guna bb cream/foundation/make up base lain dulu kalau nk medium coverage.

3)penggunaan brush dia ni tak effiecient sgt utk blusher. N nk apply blusher agak susah tak sekata..or myb aku tak pandai cara apply yg betul

Overall. Aku x plan nk repeat order.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Cha feveret lunch menu!

Tadaaa! Guess apa fevret lunch budak ni...

Nasi purple dan kulit ikan bawal.! Dlm smggu hari skolah ada la 1-3 kali kot mkn sini je. Will ask mn nk mkn.. She said "nasi purple".

Nasi kerabu ir-one color purple ni la feveret cha n kulit ikan bawal.
Kt cni aku suka ikan bwl, sedap lg drp ayam.

Susah la tiap kali kna amik kulit ikan je. Dh la sikit je kulit ikan bawal ni. Dia strictly nk kulit je n if ada isi ikan aku sembunyi2 she will reject all.

Veryyyy choosy n fussy! Huioo.. Sbr je la .
Actualy almost semua ikan dia nk mkn kulit je. Ayam pun kulit je.. Overall she still prefers fish. Org melanau lah katakan hehehe... Very selera melanau eh.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Oh April! Dan susu kambing!

I start early april with full of obstacles....keja ku, anakku yg kerenah nya dot dot...sgt la berat. Berat mata berat lg bahu pemikul.

D tmbh down oleh huet aku tu. yg dh lepas mmg dh lepas...Tp lagi lekat kt kepala.
Huu cmne ni? Down seh ..Tgu healers by time la kot.

Mcm dtg sekaligus...doi bila pk2 ada friends yg lg stress workload drp aku.. Aku bersyukur dgn ujian yg ada. Tabah n improve la for tomorrow. Tomorrow never dies.

Dah nama writing is a teraphy kan? Have to write.

Sebenar nya aku nk story psl karihome susu kambing.. Lepas discuss dgn hubby dia ckp better give a try. Bru je cuba hari ke 2 kot. Nmpk cha ok je takde allergy.
Asal nya kwn aku suggest.2-3kali gak dia ckp kot. Then, baru ter kuat hati nk cuba.

Antara sbb2 utama:
1) yakin khasiat nya lebih baik drp soya, n sunnah nabi. Dan plg hampir dgn susu ibu
2) berharap sgt serasi dgn cha n mbantu pembesaran dia , sgt2 berdoa utk ni.
3) of course nak yg sesuai dgn skin n allergy reaction cha. N berharap bantu utk cantikkan yskin dia.

Other than that tgu je la result nyer dlm 1/2year ni.
Price range rm85-89 utk 900gram. Wpun mhl, aku hrp berbaloi la.. Amin.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Ipanema sandal

Ever heard of this slipper brand?
Called IPanema. Been wanting to buy.. But at that time, 90% of the product with thin height bout 0.5" only. I was hunting for at least 2" height with nice pattern.

1st knew bout it like 3yrs ago.. In one of TV3 slot. That time,Ning Baizura i think was like the model or sort of duta for this product and explaining bout this slippers.

Ok. It's rubbery, soft on our feet, comfy. origin from Brazil. Pretty n variety of designs on the sole.

What attracts me most is the colorful design on the sole. sooo prettyyy like i want to have at least 2 of them at once.

So recently i went to the shop again, hunting for the same spec. This time more choices of my spec. Hm, got some of them which i like the pattern, unfortunately none of my size left. Huhuhu lmbt dtg... 1st choice no longer available.

End up i bought, simplest pattern but meet my spec bout 1.5-2" height. Very simple pattern k. :) oklaa tu happy gaks..comfy, robust, most importantly support my legs for long walking distance n carrying heavy tisya. n if go to toilet my feet not easily touching water/dirts on the floor.

cantik2 pattern yg flat2 slippers tu... Syg not my spec. Nasib masih waras and wise. Tak beli berasas kan suka shj.

Btw plan to buy one for tisya later. Rubbery,soft,pretty design n just nice for her sensitive feet.

Friday, April 5, 2013

BOSET lagi...huuu haaa


just finished my boset refresher..

and know what? i think i did badly this time...huwaaa....this time i got smtc! i survived smtc!huu ayat lebihh..
wanna know the full story? stroll stroll...

mula2 apply bsts...entah cmne di tikam ke smtc gak..which i dreaded. for those who is familiar, with miri training centre.... smtc known as more challenging and strict. but subjective to whom as well.
mcm my hubby heheh dia ckp ok je. my otai2 kat ofis lak ckp situ dorang rasa nak nangis buat sea survival...laki pulak tu...or mybe they were older? but of course byk lagi cerita..

ok redha lah kan.

hm sea survival was ok. n this time aku terjun dr tepi kolam je! instead of that 5M height. hehehehe.

then, HUET was the most bad part i did this time. 2010 aku buat ok jer. huhuhuh huwaa...i still don't get it what actually happen.

1) aku rs bsts lg detail ajar EBS breathing system..n i'm more comfortable dgn trainer dia. im lucky to have our CSR together at smtc...n he make me undertstand better. heee.

2) jari aku mild injury, berdarah kit masa 2nd set huet. set ke 3 huet, which is helicopter tenggelam, n berpusing, aku lost focus.. sbb lupa clip my nose n memikirkan sal jari td.
tiba2 je aku bukak belt masa baru2 tenggelam.

can u imagine? belum lagi heli tu berpusing aku dh buka belt. so aku berpusin2 dlm air ikut pusingan heli tu n lost direction utk keluar n panic attack. wowwwwwww!!!! takuttttttt seh. wowwww aku masih terkejut lagi apa yg jadi ni?? aku dh tak tahu mana tingkap keluar.
aku ni jugak...hardly bukak mata dlm air.. i dunno why.. ish.buka la lepas tu pandai tutup.

 n i was like grabbing or searching for the diver. ish nasib diver tu hensem pulak. sempat lg kann..
heheh laki jgn marah mek k.

lepas tu trainer tu suruh ulang balik ler 3rd set tu.aku pn dgn redha nya ulang sekali lagi...hadoiyaiiii. utk set ke 3 je k.

n too bad... aku tak tahu whether kaki aku dh kat atas n kepala aku dh actually kat bawah tak? aku rs dh stop pusing.
aku bukak belt... n was like nervous...n aku rasa actually heli tu masih berpusing sikit lagi.. so like aku rs sekali lg aku berpusin tapi tak seteruk yg 1st.

god!! pa aku buat ni??? plssss laaa.......... whattt happening????? ok sekali lg diver tangkap aku...n lead me. mampus je rs cm ni. serius tak paham apsal teruk sgt ni?

pls 40 tak pyh la ada boset2 ok. or mngkn masa tu dh tak perlu keja...dok umah jd mem besar.

takde diver nk selamat kan aku kot! hahaha tua2 nk gi boset/offshore.

ok la sekian. boring. husben pun tak supportive ckp aku nebes sgt. huhu ok la watever.
need time to get over this bad dream.