Sunday, March 20, 2011

Best ever scent

Can u guess? My favorite smell.. Perfume.. Scent?

1. Lancome miracle?
2. Ralph in blue? allure?
4. Dior ?

None Above mention is precise! Answer below::

1. Sweat smell of my baby girl.. Hehe. Manis bau cha mlm ni.. I love, bau masam di pn Ku sukeee. So thats it. Jatuh chentaaa
Now is 1am morning. CAnt remember when was the last time i had chnce to surf till tiz lAte.about to sleep when i gave cha gentle gudnite kiss n feels like posting an entry about this.
Btw bdn i rs lebam. Baring wah lebAm nyer rs! Td gi massage n bust treatment kt tjAntek spA. Masa tu best sgt lah... Now bru rs huhu. spa ni mmg tip top cara massage, n step nyer!tak rugi wpun mahal kit drp salon2 biAsa

Ok tdo !


  1. aku rase perfume yg sesuai utk ko is CK grave . not to sweet , but not too strong .. i like...

  2. Haha tau2 jer mane ngam tuk aku. Ok nnt survey...

  3. ein.. kmk pun slalu ke Tjantek masa kat Miri dolok.. ktk tauk sik apa minyak di pakei cdak untuk bust treatment ya?

    jangan terkejut k?
    Minyak kura-kura!
    terbeliak biji mata kmk amsa cdak padah. Tapi tiem ya tgh treatment. so sik dapat mealrikan diri.
