Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Hiii Peepss...

How's ur day? Few things harbouring my mind this morning.. 1. Apid n Kila both have their own blog. So we're more updated with each other now... hepi bout this. If sms pn.. mane cukup nk update cite yg x penah hbs. Well girls talk!! at least something to hear from them besides their FB. huhu..hopefully Amy, Eb n others will start writing after this. 2. Enthusiasm waiting for CNY holiday. Our plan to KK seemed to be canceled. Anyway, Brunei is our neighbour..weekend escape! yes yes! mkn sushi escapade di brunei..besttt! wanna eat prawn cheese popia ( cant remember the name in Japan). Ya jak lam mind, cos I dun really favor raw or half cooked sushi... hehehe... no offence yah to those who loves raw foods. 3. Girls keep thinking and talking about body figure!! 4. Aku rs hari2 aku beli kuih ke pape dr posmen yg hntr surat kt opis ni. Posmen ni pn dh ingat each individual fevret(aku rs lah). Dia tgk aku blur2 nk beli, laz2 masa aku nk byr, dia show cekodok. Aku pn beli gak....bukan sebab aku nk beli... beli cos rasa(entah cmner nk describe feeling tu). Lah, apahal aku ni?? skrg ni aku rs dh x larat nk abiskan. blaja mkn cekodok masa study penang.. 5. Have lots of plan, things I want for this year. Jln2 cari makan...dan ada lagi.. impian impian. ptt ke aku buat target? brp percent executed? reason of failure, failure analysis? heee! 6. Piece of mind, thinking about my foster fmly in parit buntar n kedah... I pray Allah blessed them with health & prosperous life. (lame nyer x contact....)


  1. ada...lg baru gakss.

    pjg nyerr aku type...

  2. huhu... pjg nyer nama blog dier...

  3. itu ler...
    aku pn rs pjg nyer aku menaip...

  4. salam kenal...i'm a blogger fren of afidah...btw, welcome to blogging world dan anak kita suffers same allergy, sekarang dia minum isomil(soybased milk) dan mandi guna sabun cetaphil...dan dia memang tergaru2 setiap hari especially kat muka...mcm2 krim kami pakaikan kat dia, mcm tu jugak tak baik2 coz doktor kata this allergy maybe for life.Current cream yang kami pakai krim physiogel...kot2 la u nak try for ur baby, tapi kena tny advise doktor dulu sebelum pakai...:)

    oppss..sori panjang celoteh sy, excited sebab jumpe mommy n baby yang same situation with us!

    I add you to bloglist ya..

  5. catlinafly,

    aah cian baby kite ni kan. mcm2 dh kitorg try dig source allergy dia, tp x berhasil. kekdg skin dia nmpk better,after bagi minum lebih extra air masak(ada mkcik kata sbb panas dalam badan), ok sehari dua tp pastu dtg lg.

    owh..nnt lah i survey2 tgk physiogel tu. mmm...skrg ni lg berusaha. heheh. will add u later.
