Tuesday, February 23, 2010

After CNY

Pagi ni, aku bukak ..bestnya byk posting kt Apid. n emel rutin from my frens...
laz week x sempt.. nk baca2, masa yg ada utk tido, rest n house routine...jln2 kejap.
Last week, for 3 consecutive days I attended BOSET...compulsory course before going offshore. Overall the course was fun, new exposure for me. Lucky cos group yg attend tu sume ok2, xde yg menakutkan ehehhe."menakutkan" for me refers to those yg nmpk gatal... kalau words je still ok..i takut anggota2 lain plak...maklum lah u will gather in the water..n forming a circle..body contact with one another. also bjln in the smoke house, ruang gelap yg ada asap je, x nmpk pape kecuali u pegang org depan n dinding2 tepi2 u (hahaha ni lah pemikiran women mcm aku ni).
Nnt ler..aku free..aku update psl experience aku attended BOSET ni... dalam 11 org, 2 girls. nasib lah ada sorg girl...x la rs awkward sgt...n amik lepas CNY...so not many ppl attending, lessen the feeling of restless..
Now aku dh start batuk2...mayb lepas course tu..telan clorin, asap.. mcm nk jatuh sakit pon adaa..harap tidakkk. sbb aku nk enjoy cuti maulidur rasul.


  1. eiinnnnn .. ko nak pi offshore ker? hebatnyer u...

    ein , aku nak ajak ko join momsbloggersplannet nak???

  2. nk pegi...tp xsure lg bila pgi.

    apid..cmne nk join tu?? juz jd follower ke?

  3. tak... ko kena register.. ade button register kat situ.. after register, ko dibagi password kat email .teh ko tepek banner dia kat blog ko... and ko punya blog akan dipublish kat email blogger2 lain .. say a new listing have been submit ..

    this is to promote ur blog..
